life beast

Posts Tagged ‘T-level’

T-Level Makes Small, Manageable Area

In Backpacks, T-Level on August 19, 2010 at 8:17 &831;&831;&831;

When I was a young child bent with furrowed brow over a plastic tub full of my small figurines, building blocks, & miniature military vehicles I realized (in less complicated terms) that I had a penchant for small, manageable areas. Ones I could carefully and repeatedly organize. An afternoon spent shifting contents around to maximize proficiency and productivity brought me immeasurable joy and inner peace.

Things haven’t changed much. My ‘small manageable area’ is now a backpack. The toys are books, a notepad, pen sets, music, camera, phone, & other lifestyle items. & afternoons have still been spent dialing in full utilization of every area of my pack, taking the time  to realize each of its potentials in the ways of efficiency & productivity. I love it, & maybe a little too much. Perhaps this means I suffer from semi-debilitating obsessive compulsive behaviors and shouldn’t be listened to. But for today I will point out that my affinity for efficient, productive organization has led to an enduring love affair with the urban back pack.

The obnoxiously named cushioning design bids goodbye to the days where you sport a clammy sweat rectangle every time you pull off your pack.

Which brings me to this, from the Jansport leather bottom in highschool to the Mash SF x SAGLiFE collaboration I picked up back in March, it has been a long running process of honing in on what makes the perfect pack (for me). So it was a joy (& love at first sight) when I stumbled upon some review for Korean upstart T-Level ‘s Infinity roll-top (pictured). It has taken some of the best aspects of lifestyle cross over bags (à la SAGLiFE skate/bike/snow approach) & added the flexibility of a dedicated travel bag. I put one on order & look forward to making a full review.